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  1. #51
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    that would be a fun upgrade.. i am definitely interested...

    how do you think you are going to set it up?

    where would these games take place?

  2. #52
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Love the idea, I'm sure the specifics will be interesting

  3. #53
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by xStaxxed View Post
    Sounds like a good idea except I'm new to the site and fear I would be the awkward last pick :/

    Attachment 1340
    I would pick you up, you already cashed in your first month and you like deadmau5? Enough said. Welcome to Poker Owned!

  4. #54
    Seasoned Veteran Nerdazoid's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    The other ideas I read on here seem to be a lot like the speedway which is passive and you don't get to pick teams and overall it seems like more of the same.

    But when I think of a league I think of the National Football League or maybe a bowling league.
    I think of self-assembled teams competing against other teams for some real glory (or money). I think of an organized game structure that enables it to pick the best several teams out of the league, play them off against each other, and then one final main event to determine who is the best team.

    I hear the complaint about teams being unfair but I disagree. There are fair ways to pick teams (some ways I have outlines below), but you can also run multiple leagues including some for individuals and some for teams of different sizes. Individuals don't have to compete against a team.

    Here is my rough idea of how I would love to see it made

    Captains/Setting up teams
    I think it would be cool if the prize pools were large enough that anyone who wanted to be a captain of a team could do so as long as they're willing to pay the entry fee. Once that person pays to create his team he should be able to hire the team he wants while negotiating their contract. Maybe they negotiate a set price to play for the team for a certain time/amount of games or maybe the captain can offer a player a percentage of the prize pool for winning the league. I also think it would be cool to be able to be able to trade players with other teams if they aren't working for you but their contract isn't up.

    So just like today's sports teams you can create a team, and hire the best players, so long as you expect to get far enough with said players to profit from your investment.

    Then players will get to be negotiating between two captains on who is willing to pay the most for that player to join their team. I can imagine this aspect alone would be competitive in nature even before the poker begins.

    This also leaves the possibility of the creator of the team making a huge profit if he can sign players who are good but maybe not so well known and not in demand and therefore not worth a huge salary. If the captain put time into building a great team he could get away with a really large portion of the profits (which might be risky) or he could pay for the well known players and pay the premium to have a better chance of winning but less potential profit for him.

    League Variations
    There could be leagues of all sorts. You could have a league that consist of only playing the last two Carbon games on 5 specific days per week. You could have a league that counts every PO freeroll. You can have a league with say 10, 5, 3 person teams or even solo teams I suppose. And leagues can vary in length of seasons as well. One league might consist of a 3 week schedule, or it could be a 16 week schedule. You could even do mini leagues with one week or one day schedules.

    Personally I am picturing a long term bracketed tournament schedule either like the NFL (every week two teams compete for points, at the end of the season the teams with the most winning weeks go on to the playoffs and the PokerOwned Bowl?) or like a bracket tourney like the old daily raffle (every week one team against another, whoever wins the most points moves on until a winner is chosen at the end). You could also switch it up and do different leagues/seasons with different formats.

    With this structured season of games, we could enable betting on the teams just like people do in football games. People could bet on winners and scores and things like that every week. Maybe if the league gets competitive enough people would pay attention to the leagues scores and get excited as the team they like is winning and the bets could get larger for the PO Bowl.

    Another extra thing I'm picturing is when someone creates a team they could decide the teams name and potential mascots and colors and maybe the players in a specific team get to wear their teams "gear" in the forums to represent their team (I don't know how easy it would be to add something like team colors to team members forum post). And the teams could change their profile pics in the clients to their teams logo or mascot or whatever. I'm just picturing opening the client and seeing people at the table with opposing colors and knowing immediately that they are your opponent this week and spectators watching a table seeing players and easily being able to recognize which team they are on and which team is the opponents.

    Other Thoughts
    - I don't think the players should be able to fire their captain. I think that the captain paid for his team so he will have to stick it out and the players shouldn't get involved with captains who might go inactive. If something happens then the captain loses out and the players could maybe create a new team if it's not too late in the season to have a chance.

    - I'm not really sure how long these leagues could last. I really like the idea of a long term thing like the length of a season of NFL and having a large enough payout to make it worth a real time investment.

    - We could have leagues that run several weeks long, where every week one team competes against another team for the most points won in a set series of games. Or we could have leagues that last only a week where a team battles another team every single game. You could even create mini leagues that last one day or the weekend and are only battled out over a specific set of games in a day or weekend.

    - Maybe the payout structure doesn't have to wait to payout all of it towards the end and every week(or whichever unit of measure) there could be a smaller payout to make sure the players stay motivated.

    - I was first picturing the captains paying the players a set amount every week like they do in sports games so that even if you kick the player out for not performing they would still get paid for the time they did play on the team. I think it would put more pressure on the captain to keep their team producing so they would fire/trade them if it doesn't work out and then the player doesn't have to feel cheated if their team wins after they were fired since they were paid for their time on the team already. But that just makes it even more expensive to create a team.

    - Since these teams might end up being expensive, I was thinking that the people with lots of money/points could finance these teams by buying a piece of the action.

    - I know this part is really far fetched but it would be cool if any of us members could afford to finance individual leagues themselves, which would allow whoever creates the league to set the prize pool and payout structure, and set what the price is for the teams to enter the league thereby ensuring that the backer of the league gets a profit from it as well. The creator could set the details like team sizes, how many games are played, tournament structure and overall length. This would enable multiple leagues to be going on at a time so maybe there could be different sized ones for different people.
    Maybe the site (Zab) could finance a base set of leagues (which like above if he sets the structure right it could end up profiting him) throughout the year and also allow for other people to create other leagues to meet the demand of other styles.

    - Maybe it could be setup so if your in a league you get automatic entry into all of the PO Freerolls that are included in the scoring for your league. Probably would need to be figured into a league/teams financials but each team or league could decide that on their own too I guess.

    - Maybe people could setup special leagues that play different styles of poker.

    - NateVest mentioned trophies which I think would be a great idea no matter how these leagues turn out. I know I would love to have something displayed on my profile page and on the sidebar of my post (which I also mentioned allowing players to put something like that representing their current team).

    - Use our current freerolls? I don't see why not since all of the other promos use them. But I guess depending on how the league needed to play non-league/team players might need to be restricted.

    - Im especially excited about side betting on the league's teams. I think it has the potential to be a feature all of it's own. I think it would be fun to review the stats of two of our teams at the PokerOwned Bowl? and place large bets on the outcome of the match.

    I know my way of picturing this thing is a bit larger scale than some of the other ideas, but I really think it could be a great attraction and potential earner for everyone involved (except the losers of course). With some rethinking and adjusting I bet it would be a lot of fun.

    And I know it's probably quite a bit of work to get it setup but I would certainly offer up my time to help develop it(both the concept and actual implementation) if it helped. I think the work would end up paying off if we aimed big with something like this.

    Anyway, I am open to critiques so feel free to blast my ideas if you think they suck, but please be constructive if you can.

    Last edited by Nerdazoid; 01-09-2013 at 04:46 AM.

  5. #55
    Seasoned Veteran Nerdazoid's Avatar
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    Questions for anyone who reads my post above:

    • Do you like the idea of the long leagues (more than a few weeks in time)?
    • What about the whole self-funding thing where each team (and maybe each league) has to fund themselves but if done right would result in profits at each level and potentially large margins for team captains?
    • What about the idea of side betting on the scheduled league games like people do in NFL and other sports games?
    • And the "player gear" (giving a team logo to each team member on his forum post sidebar and maybe in the poker clients profile pic) to make your team unique?
    • Would anyone actually enjoy creating their team from scratch(name, mascot, logo, colors, etc...)?
    • What would the ideal length of a season be? multiple weeks? just one week? a Day?
    • Is anyone actually interested in the longer seasons or is that just me?
    • Would anyone actually be interested in creating a team if they had to fund it themselves?
    • What tournament format would you prefer (NFL? Brackets? another?)?

  6. #56
    Experienced Member
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    A better loyalty program with rewards like 5 freeroll coupons every 2 weeks and $5 gift coupon of there chose every month as long as they stay active with at least 3 offerswall offers and 3 or more tourney coupons earned excluding the 5 rewarded from the previous two weeks if already acquired. And you should have bounty tourneys once a week on Fridays were admin. $10.00 bounty, moderators $5.00 bounties, and people who have earned $100 or more in tourney winnings $2.00 bounties. These are my suggestions for the redesign Zab.

  7. #57
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    I am part of 2 on two diff forums. In one ppl just kinda pick their teams and can have as many members as they want and need two in each game to count. This is basically a $100 freeroll and everyone can play and final table makes points for their team. The games are on friday and Saturdays.

    In the other there there are 5 games a week, run on the PS home games, The times are varied and set up in advance and ppl sign up in the thread with which games they are available for and if they are interested in being captain. At a cut off date it is decided how many teams will be needed for each team to have 5 players, last ones to sign up who dont get on a team go on a wait list in case of any drop outs. Only points are earned throughout the session and at the end it pays out in amazon cards.

    I think there are many options available, these are just the two I am in.

  8. #58
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 616jap View Post
    A better loyalty program with rewards like 5 freeroll coupons every 2 weeks and $5 gift coupon of there chose every month as long as they stay active with at least 3 offerswall offers and 3 or more tourney coupons earned excluding the 5 rewarded from the previous two weeks if already acquired. And you should have bounty tourneys once a week on Fridays were admin. $10.00 bounty, moderators $5.00 bounties, and people who have earned $100 or more in tourney winnings $2.00 bounties. These are my suggestions for the redesign Zab.
    Yeah, something like that. JustSayn.................
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  9. #59
    Experienced Member pricechoppin's Avatar
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    Rumour has it Carbon wont be hosting any more private games as of Feb 1st????? so if this is the case we will need a new home for these games!!!
    The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra......

  10. #60
    Experienced Member pricechoppin's Avatar
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    oh but yes, i also love the team play idea zab!!!
    The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra......

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