thats why i think an individual players league is an option to be considered, there would not be this kind of issue, and everyone would respond only for its own scores and decisions....
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I think the length of each 'season' is important. I personally dont enjoy short seasons. Preferrably 8 or more games. Also pokerstars has a very good league points format.
I dont know how expensive this would get but we could have a certain amount of teams and all of them buy in with points initially (possibly). Then we could have small buyin tournies ($1.10) on carbon that require a password (unless a coupon system could work). Half of the prize pool would go the league and half for that specific tourny. And the end of league, there could be a freeroll for the winning team or just spread the winnings to all the players of the winning teams (and possibly a bonus freeroll on behalf of Zab).
Each league game would have a certain number of players from each team (that the captain or co-captain would decide on). Then players in the top 10 would get pts from the game (11, 9, 8, 7 etc....) And at the end the best team or teams, if there are a lot of teams, would win the prizepool at the end.
I played in league games on the Wass poker forum which is now defunct, for several years. We played on Carbon and then when Wass Poker opened we played there. It was called The Bragging Rights league.
Teams could have unlimited members - But only, I think 5 players could actually play per game.
1 game Sat and 1 game Sun.
Points were given out to the top 20 finishers in each game, more pts the closer you were to 1st.
At the end of the month...the team with the most points won a private game for real money paid for by the forum.
Teams were started by their captains originally and then voted in or out after that, month to month.
The captains had final say on who was in or out of the team.
I was a captain for a couple months, it was a demanding job in terms of organizing who was going to play every weekend etc. For example in the case of no shows right before the game, you have to have standins. And then if you have plans as the captain you have to have someone capable of doing all the organizing for you etc.
"Team play" is different then regular play. You chip dump to your team mates early on in the game when they are low, but not as much in the later part of the game. Some teams used Instant Messaging between player at the same table, telling each other what they were holding. This helps decide who is going to play the hand as most of the time you don't want your own players in the same pot together.
Can't think of anything else helpful at the moment...I'm sure more will come to me. We had a lot of fun playing together!
What if we did something simple like.. If you are part of the league, you get taxed +5 points per coupon which gets added to the prize pool... I could see people abusing that so every game you play in you get deducted 5 points which gets added to the prize pool.
Captain has to pay XX to create the team (Let's say 100 points).
Then he can start recruiting players
Issue is, what do we do at the start of the new month? Disband all teams or give the captain an option to keep his same team or?
yeah..u right in that........well, i think it is pointing to a standard teams league option then.......:
unlimited number of players per team (1 - infinite)(with the score calculation i mentioned above);
individual prizes per game;
individual score avg;
team score avg;
final prize pool for X% of teams(each one sharing its prize between all team's members);
Issue is, what do we do at the start of the new month? Disband all teams or give the captain an option to keep his same team or?
give him/her the option to keep the team, most will do that for certain....