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  1. #531
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I think there will be a good idea to add

  2. #532
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    make $100 carbon FRs man....boozehound used to have them but then swiched to $50 FRs....thats competetion....gotta compete have higher FRs then them bro.....lets have $50 FRs. im sure people would rather higher FRs with like 3 per day then smaller and 4 per day.....better chance to build your bankrolls.

  3. #533
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    make it like $30 $50 $75 FR's..... that would be so much better.....

  4. #534
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    how about a high roller event.. its each sunday, just like how each big tournament is.. and it would be 1,000pts for someone to get in.. i feel this would add alot more activity during to week for people to want to get into this tournament.

  5. #535
    PokerOwned God CUSTOMTABLES's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    im down ....good idea turkey sandwhich lol//.j.k but very good idea....should be n opt in type mtt so we can hav n idea on how many is in.....and if we get enough maybe whole final table getting paid.....either way....figure out the payout structure

  6. #536
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    just wanted to remind zab, talked to him earlier today about this, plus wanted to see what others thought. Nothing major here, just thought if possible, zab could add a stat to leaderboard. I've people bragging bout how much they've won or how many freerolls they've won and only played for a short time compared to others. So i asked zab if he had total games played as a stat and said he thought so and would be able to create a category in leaderboard like : games played per win(total freerolls played divided by total wins), or money won per game played (total won divided by total freerolls played). Just be another thing for bragging rights.

  7. #537
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i think that it would be sweet if we had an upgrade to pokerowned that was called:


    the first person to knock out a player in any PO tourney gets a small prize maybe you have the option to opt into the contest...

  8. #538
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I would not want to see less or fewer of PO games on carbon. I have the schedule down, 11 if i make it, 2 if im in, 5 im there, 8 i should be here. Any less would suck donk.

    One idea, something with the super rewards panel. Can we somehow get something that states if elegible. I mean heres a listing for new tasks posted:

    """""Super Rewards

    explore your career opportunities with a college degree!


    2 mins to do, 5 mins for points (Grind4green)

    08-06-2012 """"""""""""""""""

    Now I click on that link, takes me to super rewards pages but no offers. Did i do something wrong. I would like these back. Have sent messages to survey rewards but all they say is your points have been awarded. if no show contact PO.
    I clearly write in the mssg that points are all show but offers just arnt around for me.

    Done this few times, always same response.
    So with the upgrade, can we somehow fix my name or my offers pages.

    Getting very hard to get the amount of points I wish to aquire w/o these available.

  9. #539
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Really would love the option to close down your threads from the original poster.

    I get soooo tired and annoyed of seeing spam and crap posts in threads that I have staking/selling action and have to scroll through a zillion posts of crap just to find something I am looking for.

    Original Poster should have some way to close thread and or delete a post in there thread.

    Really would make the forum more useful for people rather than people spamming for the measly 5 points per post daily.

  10. #540
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mpettit2 View Post
    Really would love the option to close down your threads from the original poster.

    I get soooo tired and annoyed of seeing spam and crap posts in threads that I have staking/selling action and have to scroll through a zillion posts of crap just to find something I am looking for.

    Original Poster should have some way to close thread and or delete a post in there thread.

    Really would make the forum more useful for people rather than people spamming for the measly 5 points per post daily.
    i thought a group of users were given power and were suppose to go through and delete spam? maybe it didn't work out

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