If it's Lock, it literally takes me about 10 minutes just to open the software because it sucks, so I've missed it because of that before.
I like the window as is tho.
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Ummm, because we don't always just sit idly by and wait for the timer to go down to 0. We could be involved with other things including maybe being in the middle of a big hand in another tournament. That 3 minutes can go by pretty quickly, and on BCP you really only have 2 minutes because registration ends 1 minute before the tournament starts.
then dont register for a passworded tourney if your not able to get the password in time...
couple of tips have the password page open (where u type in the password)
resize (if needed) your browser window (if you are on windows 7 this is easy just snap it to the left/right)
have the table you are playing on in the bottom third of your page and the tourney you are regging in in the top third of the page so u can navigate between all three with ease
Can we have more of an incentive/reward to filling out the whats working info?
I personally do it just because it is good karma and I notice it is just a handful of the same people who actually bother to do it. Maybe if there was more of a reward than a few pts rebate, others would be more motivated to share that extremely useful information with everyone else.
tbh i dont even know where u fill out your whats working info any more, never bothered to look since the task ticker was introduced
Here's an idea I had that should be easy to get going since we already have a lot of the moving parts working on the site.
How about "Match Play" throughout the day? 16 players for each single-elimination tournament (you can have more than 1 tournament a day) with, lets say a 100-200 point entry. Using only the Carbon tournaments, you just have to outlast your opponent to advance, just like the LLBs. If you had a 16 person tournament, you'd be down to 8 by the 4 PM Carbon, 4 by the 7 PM, and the finals at the 10 PM.
People are always looking for ways to make a lot of points with a small investment, and I think the players would be in to this. Plus, it rewards your players that play all day as they're the only ones that could really take part in it.
What do you think?
First i played for fun ~ then i was in the speedway ~ had to step it up . Then someone drew my attention to the ratings ~ Step it up ! Leader boards ~~ Up dame ~ I say Brang It !
And this isn't a passive idea - people would have to voluntarily signup, so only those who know they are gonna play in all 4 should get in.