tried this idea but was to easy to abuse so zab scrapped it
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I think it would be a great idea,but it would have to be well advertised to get people interested,I think its great though I always feel bad for the bubblee
firstly bumping this to see where zabs at with it
second i know this is more of a merge thing but do u think now that merge has put accolades back up we could get one for winning a po tourney...would be cool to show off our forum by proudly showing off our accolade :D
what about like a boys vs. girls type thing? lol
2014 WSOP seat
ban whorebot from the forum, joking, but would be funny, lolz
I would like to see some more game types played in the freerolls as well as PO buyins, not sure why theres no buyins here yet
what about at least 2 tournaments day have PO 10 points buy in?we win for post 5 points,that way all play some games