^ Sounds like a pretty good idea, if there was a 50/100 HU table I think I would play it. Could use more variety in the client.
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^ Sounds like a pretty good idea, if there was a 50/100 HU table I think I would play it. Could use more variety in the client.
I really want some of the tourneys to be for points not money all the time i would regiseter in all of them
yea 50 100 hu table would be cool althou i dont have alot points to play with yet ima wait till i have like 4k to come
Obviously not a pressing matter, but will you add these new smileys some day?
I found 150+ smileys on the vBulletin forum and it's pretty simple to add them:
The 150+ Smileys are available for download @ vBulletin Member's Area
Installation (4.1.4 and below)
1. Download the smiley pack in the vBulletin.com members area.
2. Upload the smiley pack to your vBulletin images/smilies directory via ftp client.
3. Go to your vBulletin Admin Control Panel -> Smilies
4. Under Add Multiple Smilies, click on "Add Smilies"
5. Choose the title, category, text to replace, and the smiley you want to add.
6. Congratulations you've successfully installed the new smileys
And there a thousands of other sites to get smileys from, but I'm sure these would be the easiest to implement.
** I added smileys to R4P's forum via the admincp and it was really easy but unless there is a better way, they have to be added one at a time :/
Holy cow!