Originally Posted by
Zab.. I would like to see the regular players here get rewarded for their PO FR play. Consider this: PO players who win the most money week in and week out are very likely to grind that $$$ on Carbon. Said players generate a lot of money for PO if they are linked with PO. I know that I myself have raked over $6,000 on my Carbon account alone. I would like to see a monthly progressive that pays the top 3 money winners here a large sum of points.... enough to generate some buzz and make players think twice before skipping games. Most of these promotions here are in my humble opinion are garbage. Imagine the competition/player retention that would be created if a large % of the promotional $$$ was spent on rewarding the players who play these games day in and day out. I know I haven't played a majority of the games over the past 3 months, but I would if there were a large prize @ the end of the month for say the top 3. I think a promotion that steadily increases the #s of participants per game is the best way to grow PO. Tbh I think BCP is a better fit for the players, and the #s would skyrocket there if the prize-pools were the same as the Carbon PO games, but I realize that not only does Carbon offer coupons, but they also pay affiliates a lot more than WPN. WPn has RB, and I think I know the back end logistics well enough to know that Carbon is the best fit for PO. So, with that in mind.... I think that a big monthly promotion is in order. I believe that this would drive increased traffic in the PO games, which would in turn warrant over time higher prize-pools. Higher prize-pools would generate more traffic and I believe PO could grow much larger than it currently is. I honestly think you could get 150-200 people per game in 3-6 months if some careful planning/preparation was implemented. I know that there are a lot of other FR players and micro-stakes grinders who couldn't ignore/pass up the +ev nature of playing PO FRs if the prize-pools got any larger. We already are coming close to 100 in some of the nightly games, and while I know the numbers may go down when it gets warmer; I honestly still see massive growth potential if you wanted it @Zab. I think you need to find a way to make points more accessible to players here. Lately there has been a major points drought. If you were to do this, I think gradually making coupons more expensive to increase the prize-pools would be great. I also wonder if it would be @ all possible to make these PO FRs on Carbon rebuys??? Like increase the late reg in the FRs to 30 mins and allow people to re-enter with another PO FR coupon. Idk if this is @ all possible, and I know that it would make games play deeper/last longer, but I am sure that this is nothing PO and Carbon couldn't work out if it were mutually beneficial. You have a great site here Zab.... I and many others appreciate the service you offer here; but I also think PO could grow much larger. Keep the ideas/improvements coming @Zab @PO members. :) Sorry 4 the long post :)