Discuss.. Need the specs
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Discuss.. Need the specs
What you need, what you dont...
would be fun to have a system where it would be monitored when some 1 is staked..like a staking thread.. cut clear to be paid as soon as game over, with consequenses if not paid.. maybe a point system to show who is proven honest and who has been cashing when staked.. obv i think the site should have a small cut from winnings for monitoring all this.. lets think this thru guys every1 here has somthing to win from making this right...
This is for individuals staking each other, not the railbird promo right?
well its sound like a great idea but my only problem would be who u can trust n cant like bt said there would need to be a points system or something like who uses the forum everyday n contributes with posts n threads n all that stuff
i'm not sure i understand what your asking????????
maybe the person beeing stake should put up points in garantee that he would pay back if they win if not points go to staker
Firstly a rating system is essiential. Also maybe a rule where you have to be here for X amount of time before you can even be considered.
I still need the specs.. design.. how it would be..
If anyone is familiar with parttimepoker how do they do it?
maybe we can pay for railbird stakes with our points in our acct.
maybe for 1.10 sng, the cost is 200 pts. and if u get in the money, u get ur points back, or maybe even doubled. money is still split between p.o. and user.
Yup.. that was 1 idea we had earlier.. you could absolutely use points
this is awesome i think you should make this happen would be great idea but gotta watch out for those liars
theres a few vids on here telling how parttimepoker works Online Poker Staking from PartTimePoker
i really need to have something new to add or join specially in public...
does that link to parttimepoker help zab or do you want me o watch the vids and make resume?
i like so much the idea of 1 point Opt In
i think
it will bring in soooooooo many members
we need more ideas guys on what could be done for this to work
lets see if bringmethecards is a good person to stake because i staked him 2.20 and he said he will pay me back in the morning i have the messages lets just wait and see if he is a respectable person
A rating system sounds like a good idea to me. I've never staked anyone, but if I knew who I could trust to pay me back, I may lend a little every once in a while when I have a decent bankroll.
dont know how it would work but either way i like it, and would they be same rules for every stake or negotiable?
Listen if you want me to make this happen I need to know how other sites do it, what is needed, I need it spec'd out.
The biggest problem with this whole staking thing is: People NOT paying up
how about putting points in garantee for stake and if not pay banned.. points that person had goes to staker