I have never been a fan of the loanshark on the site, but I understand that it serves a purpose for people in the community. The problem is the privilege continues to be abused, as I've seen people who have had unresolved loans for months/years past the due date continue to either play in the client or use the site with the same level of permissions as all of the users in good standing with no intentions of paying it back.
Those days are over. I will re-check on July 1st (and the 1st of the month for each month thereafter) to see who has loans that are owed for more than 3 months - long time defaulters will lose the following privileges here until the loan has been paid in full:
- Chat
- Ticker use
- Marketplace posting for trades
There are no exceptions to this rule. As of right now all defaulters have no marketplace privileges, but I will lift the restriction if the person owed the loan agrees to be paid through the market AND the defaulter has someone who consents to sell the points.
You guys have 2 weeks, more than enough time to pay back the 8 dollars maximum that you have owed people for a long time. Hopefully we can continue on in a way where all debts are paid in a timely manner.
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06-17-2017, 02:28 PM #1
Loan Shark defaulters, this is for you