Yeah Zab could you give us a ball park of what the prize pool is gonna look like
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Yeah Zab could you give us a ball park of what the prize pool is gonna look like
i dunno if i like the format of this tourny, i should of copyrighted that WSOPO name since it was my idea but the idea of the tourny isnt what I wanted lol.... so when I create my own tourny shit, I could of used the name loll....i wanted to have point tournies either in carbon or client consisting of several gonna start something soon, like my original idea, I will like people know in the near future
people playin a tourny with different starting stacks i dont think will work...people will bitch should have every1 start with like 2500, then you add the bonus points they earn, idk if that is the origial rule but just an idea
Haha shouldn't it be fun to start with one chip? LoL
when will this promotion start does anyone know
lol yea i know thats why i dont think its gonna work out....people will have totally differnt starting do we even earn pointsfor the tounry,i did some offers and shit and i dont even see my name on the list....also dont we earn poitns for placing in the freeros and shit idk shits confusing
what is the prize pool
Where can I see if I am allowed to particpate ?