ok makes sense lol thanks
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sounds good zab the upgrades keep getting better along with the site. keep up the good work
this sounds cool cant wait to play
I believe Pooffy said something to the effect that the next WSOPO would be doubled. Is he gonna average the chip stacks from both months or just combine em?
When is next tournament like this? Sounds awesome, and how do i know My rank? Hehe :)
I was curious if the points from last month will be added to the total from this month, or if there will be 2 separate tourneys for May, and June? Also if its just one, will the prize pool be doubled? How about places paid? Just curious, not stressing.
I actually did read ALL 41 pages before posting this .....
Are all tournament entries/final table points only for Carbon games or any and all poker clients?
After discovering myself on the list I have been tracking my points earned and today I should have had 20 and 20 for entering a BCP and making final table but didn't get those ....
Also , what constitutes a survey? Some of the offers are classified as a survey but it is really not, its an email submit and advertising torture.....and having to click no to a bunch of ads. Do those count?
When are the tournament entries credited. When you enter or after the game is over?
How long after the tournament ending should it take for points for placing in final table to show up?
So, the questions in these threads do not get much attention. This site seriously needs an information officer. I will pay 100 points a week as my share to fund such a position. If we all pony up 100 points perhaps someone would get on top of all the unanswered questions that the mods do not have time to address.
Based on some of my observations ( I may be wrong)
Points for surveys arae added immediately after finishing the survey.
Points for entry into Carbon Tourneys are credited after you register for the tournament and before the game is finished.
I don't think the other poker clients qualify.
I have not been getting credit for posting (or it's not immediate)
When are we having the WSOPOwned for last month?
sweet this will get people to be way more involved in the website. keep the threads active and the smaller offers that people usually just go by they may sop and do for those extra wsop points
when is the may wsop tourney? sunday?
I sure wanna get on the list and play in this. How do I see if I make it?
Did they not end up playing this month?
I am not getting chips for posting.
I never posted 5 times in one day, to get a whole 5 pts added (so I could see if it was working). So my chips shouldn't always be an increment of 5.
I thought maybe it was maybe you had to make 5 posts and that would give you 5 chips (5 or nothing kinda deal) but I see others on the WSOP chip board with chipcounts that are not multiples of 5.
I pretty much check my chip count a gazillion times a day and after every offer converts and I know that those are crediting fine.
I think only carbon tourny entries count.
I do lots of surveys and not many posts so I know its not a post limit.
Yeah I didn't qualify last month, but I'm well on my way for qualifying this month. I hope it's not dead.
Sounds like a good idea, just gotta play a little bit aggressively being the small stack !
This is a cool awesome feature. I'm on the leaderboard for it too, that's how I even found out about it. :D
Still not getting chips for my posts. I know some might say...."Its a free-roll, don't complain about not getting chips" ...but I say, if others are getting them for posting then why NOT me?
I have been doing surveys like crazy (and always do whats working info so that others can benefit) so I can play in this and I want the same as everyone else.
The way I understand it, is your posting points (limit 25 per day) and your lottery winnings cannot surpass your earned points (i.e. points for doing surveys, watching videos, ect.) If you are certain this is not the reason you are not getting points you should ask Zab or a moderator to help you sort out the problem.
i havent been getting points for my posting either lately but i am not going to cry about like you are.
I am certain that's not the reason as I do lots of surveys (300-400 worth of points per day) and no more than 5 posts a day.
I even tried just doing just 1 in a day to see if my chips would increase by 1.
Whatever troll
I am talking about WSOP chips, not points.
I am getting my 5 pts for posting (because my posts qualify), my issue is it is not counting towards my WSOP chips.
But thanks for stopping by and being ever so helpful!
only top 100 are listed and if you qulalify you will get a coupon and i really do not know where you see how many chips you have if you are not in the top 100
Did we have the tournament for last month yet?
i need to get some more points for the wsop
This tournament is beginning to be a thing of legend and not reality.
No one said its all done with but they havent held the game yet so who knows.
i like the world series i wanted to start something like this when i came up with this idea but zab took it to a different level i want to start PO point tournys every 6 months with big buy ins.....