What is this?
I am sure you have all seen March Madness, and the "brackets". This is essentially just like that!! Each week, those people who 'opt in' will be seeded 1-64 depending on their PLAYER RATING SCORE from the previous week. The best rating will be seeded #1, the worst #64 (So 1 will play against 64 and so on).
*** As more people opt in AND your ratings scores change, the seedings will change constantly until Tuesday night at 00:01 the seedings will then be locked into place ***
How do I opt in?
From Tuesday - the following Monday the FIRST 64 people who pay 100 points will be entered into the tournament.
If the tournament DOES NOT fill up with people who opted in, people will get auto-entered into the Madness based on the # of tournaments they played the previous week (Just like Speedway).
*** If you bought in directly for 100 points, you win 100% of your potential prize pool
*** If you were auto entered, you only win 5% of your potential prize pool (Better buy in next time)
Example: If 1st place was 3000 points and you won:
- if you paid the 100 points and bought in, you win 3000 points
- if you were auto entered, you win 150 points (5% of 3000 points)
Can I opt out once I opt in?
No, because we are seeding people constantly. Once you opt in, you are in it for the week
What do you mean I play against someone each day? What day does it start?
Round 1 is Tuesday (all 64 players are alive)
Round 2 is Wednesday (32 players left)
Round 3 is Thursday (16 players left)
Round 4 is Friday (8 players left)
Round 5 is Saturday (4 players left - The Final Four)
Round 6 is Sunday (Championship game against 2 players)
You will be seeded against ONE PERSON every day that you are still alive. The way we determine a winner is as follows in THIS ORDER:
1. First match both people play AGAINST each other. (Carbon or Juicy for now) Essentially would lasts longer in the tournament
2. Entire days player rating (Must have at least 1 game.
3. If neither player played, the current weeks player rating
4. If neither player played this week, coin flip
For example: If I was playing against Prawney, I played the 1:00 and he didn't play. Nothing happens yet.. We BOTH played in the 4:00 Carbon, whoever outlasted the other would advanced.
If NEITHER one of us played the same tournaments together, then we go to #2, #3 then last #4
How much can I win?
1st place: 50% of the prize pool
2nd: 25% of the prize pool
3rd & 4th: 12.5% of the prize pool
How do I know the screen name of the person I am playing again?
Everyone's name is clickable on the brackets page, clicking it will take you right to their profile page showing you all their screen names.
What about a progressive prize pool, any chance for that or other ways to win?
YES! There is now a progressive prize pool attached to this. Also, for those that only win 5%, the remaining points carry over.
Why are some names in Green?
Because you bought in directly so everyone knows.
Results 1 to 10 of 141
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07-21-2013, 07:52 PM #1
** New Upgrade ** PokerOwned Madness
Last edited by Zab; 10-19-2014 at 10:00 AM.
"And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."