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  1. #1
    Zab is offline
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    New Upgrade - Bankroll Boosting -

    What is this?

    The Bankroll boosting program is another (passive) way for you to earn a ton of points. The poker rooms pay us if you play enough at a room, essentially clearing a CPA deal. When we get paid, we pay you points! We are helping you along the way!

    You should see a 3rd box in the upper left hand corner that says "BankRoll Boost" This is your PENDING balance that will be released to you when you clear the requirements of a given room.

    How are you helping me?

    For every room that we offer the bankroll boosting program, we will have daily freeroll(s). When you clear the INITIAL requirements for that room you will be given 1 weeks free access to those tournaments. After your initial free week is up, you can then put in a request for additional free access.

    What do you mean free access?

    Instead of opting in and spending your points on an upcoming tournament, the "Opt In" Is replaced by "Free Access". You still need to join the game and Opt In, but this time it doesn't cost you any points!!

    ** Note: You can only opt in 1 hour before the start of the upcoming tournament using the free access **

    What if I don't play for that week, can I get my free week another time?

    No, it is good for the next week

    What happens when my week runs out? How do I apply for continue free access?

    When your initial week is up, there will be an option that says "Request Free Access". Then I will review your account and see how well (if at all) you are progressing. If you are NOT progressing towards the requirements for clearing the CPA, you will most likely be declined for that week and you will have to pay for the tournaments entry with your own points.

    If you ARE making progress, I have the option to grant you free access for the next 1-7 days.

    Sounds good so far, give me an example of all the requirements.

    Let's take the 25,000 point Juicy Stakes Bankroll Boost for example

    1) You must sign up using our link (No exceptions) you MUST be tracked to us.

    2) You signed up using our link! Great!!! Now you are tracking properly and it will show up (Usually the next day)

    3) The Juicy Stakes requirement to CLEAR the CPA (and get your 25,000 points) is 1000 Juicy Stakes FPP points. These are internal points you have to EARN while playing at Juicy stakes

    4) To get FREE ACCESS for 1 week at Juicy Stakes, you need to earn 5 FPP points

    That's it!

    What if I already have an account at the given Poker Room?

    Sorry, you are only typically allowed 1 account.

    Do you plan to add more Poker Rooms?

    YES! We plan to have 10,15, 20+ rooms if this program goes off like we think it will!
    Last edited by Zab; 02-07-2013 at 11:56 AM.
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Im Confused...

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    That's awesome zab great job like the ideas

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    So if you have a 25000 pending bonus, that means you have signed up already through the link, correct?

  5. #5
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grind4green View Post
    So if you have a 25000 pending bonus, that means you have signed up already through the link, correct?
    Correct.. When we get the other page done you will see your progress. Right now you have 0 Juicy FPP points but you have signed up correctly
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Master
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    Feb 2012
    Awesome. Gives me one reason to go deposit there.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned God Swittie's Avatar
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    are people that dont downloaded the room thru PO links also able to pay the points to play?......O_o

    In the beginning God said : "The four dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric second rank tensor equals zero", and at once there was light.

  8. #8
    Zab is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grind4green View Post
    Awesome. Gives me one reason to go deposit there.
    Once you reach 5 FPP points, you will get free access for a week to the tournaments.

    Then each week you can request additional access
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  9. #9
    Zab is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swittie View Post
    are people that dont downloaded the room thru PO links also able to pay the points to play?......O_o
    Yes nothing changes. You can still play in the tournaments as normal
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Master hitmeup's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    i like it , the red font makes me wanna earn for some reason

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