lol, your response is rather ignorant. i'm actually a depositor on the site i use and play often. just merely stating my opinion on the upgrade.
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lol, your response is rather ignorant. i'm actually a depositor on the site i use and play often. just merely stating my opinion on the upgrade.
No, your opinion is ignorant. If you are a depositor and the site values you, you can ask them to delete your account so that you may sign up through pokerowned.
I have a feeling they won't honor your request, but, they might.
actually my opinion is not ignorant and i suspect it is shared by many. perhaps i will send in a request. bovada has had my business for a while actually.
You have 0 chance of them deleting your account and letting you sign up again dont be so absurd lol
so are these loaner points? so to say if i get the 50 on BCP then don't use them i will lose them after a week?
No, you can earn PO points and you can earn free access to the freerolls. It is two separate benefits. The points are yours to do whatever you want with and you can keep them as long as you want and you will get them every time you earn the 50 points. The free access to freerolls is something you can request once a week and Zab decides if you get free access or not, there isn't a specific requirement.
ok thank you for clearing that up & glad i was wrong on that b/c it would just suck lol ;)
ok thank you for clearing that up & glad i was wrong on that b/c it would just suck lol ;)
one more thought is this only for pokerowned tournaments or or for basic profit ?
no was asking if it had to be made through a pokerowned freeroll or if I made ,$50.00 profit on one client ACR/BCP/carbon ect the points unlock Right
if made in the one week period
ok so 5 points unlocks free play and the 50 is the bank roll as far as what i c on BCP
think you might be confused as to what you need to do, its not about making 50 dollars profit, you have to be linked to this site with your acc't, so part of you fees and rake go to this site for getting you to sign up. So once you have "earned" 50 dollars for this site from the fees and rake, you will get the pts, kinda like rakeback. And doesn't matter how long it takes, you get the pts for each 50 dollars you earn for the site.
Okay so net revenue: if you win the $50 to unlock points but lose some b4 update tough luck huh?
@ madjek yes linked got it just have cashes for ov 50 don't mean all at once or have 50 atm
I find it funny that my rake has gone down. Kind of suspicious to me!
This site is SCAM. My rake has gone down on this site, yet I've been playing/raking a lot of $$$ recently. ZAB IS A BIG FUCKING CHEAT! HE CHEATED ME OUT OF $$$ WHEN I WON B2B! NOW THIS BULLSHIT! GO FUCK YOURSELF ZAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There should be a FAQ at the beginning of this thread for all questions that have already been answered. I like the idea though.
right first off dont slam the site
second if you get rakeback or any other bonus funds on any of the sites that is deducted from your rake on here you cant earn rakeback on 2 seperate sites!
thirdly how were u cheated out of $$$ from b2b were u in default or was u expecting all of the funds when it clearly states that u get 60/70% (cant remember which it is exactly) of the prizepool :/
OK, that seemed harsh.
With BCP, if you take bonus dollars out it affects the bonus here - understandable, since it's free money 1 way or another. I'm not sure how that works with the other sites, but that's how it works. It's not a scam.
My request for free tickets has been pending for a while now. Is that still a functioning portion of this site?
Soooooooo, if I\'m already a member of these sites, it\'s too late to participate?
shaking my head....everyone wants something for nothing
Is this offer still currently available, or something that was offered long ago?
I think the BB thing is awesome just another one of the awesome promotions that this site offers!!
A lot of upgrades lately pretty cool just way to many donks playing here now.
"thubs up" ;D
I see Lock BR Boost is gone.
ZAB This offer is available?
man wish i would of used this or some other rake back offer before i signed up for acounts. just didnt' know
this sounds like a great idea im gonna get my grind game up!!
I am going to win the current freeroll to boost my roll, just saying.