my "Bankroll Completed" of Carbon is in red still, what does this item mean...?.........O_o
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my "Bankroll Completed" of Carbon is in red still, what does this item mean...?.........O_o
No. But you can download Aced through PO so to be tracked
taking me awhile just to reach 200fpp
Very cool addition, havnt logged in for a while and am glad to see.
Can someone defenitely confirm that this is also working with Aced ?
how come im not being tracked....i made name from link zab put on site and its worthless for me to even depo there if im not goin to be tracked....
all i see is 27000 pending...and i believe thats for carbon!!!
my juicy name is donks4ever still not tracked....i have oplayed cash there...
lock name is l33tkidd...played cash there also...
neeeeeddd hellpp
Question: On Carbon it says for every $50 generated you get 2700 points. Does that mean if I deposit $50 I;ll get 2700 points?
I am fairly sure the answer is no but can you grandfather in lock accounts I had thought I had signed up for the loyalty program with PO for lock but apparently I did not since it is not tracking to be honest not really that big of a deal but at the same time all the points and chances at building a bankroll on the cheap the better.
thanks for the opportunity to earn more.
Sounds great..... If I had just signed up and was new to OLP. But having accounts on all those sites already it seems like it excludes me from participating. :(
I\'d love to be in the Bank Roll Boosting program.... Not good support for long time members though!
Boost reduced from 2700 to 2500? why zab why?
I see I can request free carbon tickets. How many fpps should I earn before trying to request access?
I wish I would have gotten my Lock Poker account from PokerOwned! =/
But I know for sure, that when I join the other poker rooms, I\'ll make sure to join them from here so I can qualify for the Bankroll Boosting on every other room besides Lock! =]
AWESOME FEATURE! gotta love free scrilla right?!? =] haha
First of all, sorry for double post.
But I just registered for Carbon Poker just now through the site.
I\'m not sure if my actual thing is skaman5000 or THEskaman5000 yet...
do they use the first username they wanted you to make? or the second that they call nickname?...
cause someone already was using skaman5000 when they asked me for the nickname.. =/
*EDIT:When I checked "My Details" later it said my username was skaman5000 and it said to pick a nickname, so I clicked it and tried skaman5000 again for the nickname and now it said thats my nickname... lol so im confused as to what my "nickname" is REALLY gonna be haha.. if anyone has experience with this kinda thing happening that would help lol.. :EDIT*
But I\'m pretty sure I did it right so I will get this started when it figures it out..
But just in case it doesn\'t just happen I wanted to post saying I joined lol.
see you in the 19:00 freeroll! =]]
really sucks that we cant use an existing userid... Need to fix that
I like it too, just still not exzactly how it works, but I\'m in
i signed up, by clicking on the juicy stakes logo and installing poker room ...but at my bankroll booster i can see that iam not tracked to po ! what to do ?
Ok, seems like everyone else is confused so no shame in asking... It says for carbon 2000 points for every $50 net revenue. What exactly is net revenue? Rakeback? Profit on my carbon? Profit for PO? This is the confusing part for many ppl I think. Initially i thought it means for every $50 you win you would get points but i think im off on that one
Zab, when will I get my 25000 points for the juicy promo? im already done with the 1000fpp.
cool, i like it. gotta earn it!
Is this stuff legal cards for points
i really dont understand how it works even after all this time i will read again and see if i can undersatnd
Is Juicy Stakes open to all US players??????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????,,,??????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????
why is it wen i do something i never get my points! its pissin me off
I have a question under everyone\'s avatars at the very bottom of the profiles it has the amount of money won where is this money being won at?
The way I see it is if it\'s open to a single US player, then I guess it\'s legal for all US players,
seems like a cool thing but I doubt I will earn that much because I just do the freerolls im not a depositer
Been awhile since i PO'd but doesnt seem to surprise me that the site jst continued to get better!
I believe I am due a 25,000 point boost :) just passed the mark on juicy
good ideas, halfway to hittin my carbon BR boost!
thanks zab!
I signed up this morning using the link.
My screen name is VV1ckedKitty
yea thats great tracking pionts for game played perks comps for spending time with us
dumb that you have to sign up thru the link... useless if you already have an account with a site