Nice upgrade, can't wait for the new pokerrooms. Hopefully they will allow US players - I dont think there are 10 plus pokerrooms for US players.
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Nice upgrade, can't wait for the new pokerrooms. Hopefully they will allow US players - I dont think there are 10 plus pokerrooms for US players.
Nice, I see that this site is improving very fast.
Im just curious, since Carbon is eliminating the Rakeback, will Carbon still be considered for this and other loyalty programs? I assume the point of the loyalty programs is to keep the player playing on the linked name so PO makes some rakeback and passes that on to us in the form of discounts, and now this bankroll boosting program. But if Carbon isn't paying rakeback then PO wouldn't have a reason to give us 50$ worth of points or even discounts for loyalty.
I do love this program though for Juicy so far. It's a great incentive for me to play on Juicy.
In theroy sounds brilliant hope it works out i better get signing up
Downloaded signed up just waiting to be tracked i think lol
i am totally confused about this one but will look further and see
I signed up yesterday still not linked ???
this is a confusing issue
What would be more paying? Rakeback from sites for example (rtr) or this promo??
How can we tell our progress on a weekly basis ??? or do we do it manually ?
do you get the free week as soon as you clear rhe 5 fpp's
Has anyone been linked im still waiting ?????
sounds great zab
if existing carbon players are not grandfathered in this would suck me and others, as the freerolls would include more players, unless the prize money is upped, because new players will have 2 ways to accumalate points. Don't like this it sucks as some have said.
Any news signed 4 days ago ????
I find it confusing to understand my weekly progress .. could you ADD FPP (Weekly Requirements) ?/5
is there a way to track players that did not sign up using the pokerowned link. if not i think this would be unfair to some of us.
i think it would be rakeback from would be deffinitevely a better choise
Awesome, just realized i am being tracked.
Just a thought ...i have heard it said that a person could uninstall then reinstall from said new place to then
be affiliated from there...not suggesting this just know its been done and Email and user name would be all on the tables 2day
i signed up yesterday but nothings happened yet ?
ok thx
i cant find it. maybe a link ? does it also apply for carbon ?
I'll be adding the 2nd bankroll boosting site this week.
Carbon \ Aced
You will likely need $500 in total rake for 25,000 points
Starting from the day I activate it.
nice, i gonna try ! wouldnt deposit to that network without PO , cause so small, take to long to clear bonus or to payout..we will see how it works !
I have to re-read this idea over a couple of times to see what the limit is and idea. but thanks for the information.
i cant seem 2 understand this myself
sound like an awesome promotion.. thanks
I'm confused too, LOL
I can't wait to see how this all works out.
Hey, I just registered myself on Carbon poker through your link.. So now I am tracked automatically, or I must to do something other?? Thanks for response
im already playing at carbon. can i be added since i didn't dl through this site? and get bankroll boost?
hey seriously.. Yesterday I registered on Carbon through pokerowned site. But when I look at bankroll boost menu it says me that I dont have tracked acc.. Whats wrong? Should I do something yet to track it?? Zab Help please :)