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  1. #1
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    New Upgrade - Back2Back Champ -

    Past Winners of Back2Back:

    7-1-2011 Brayx13 $10.31
    7-5-2011 jcolee2 $ 6.16
    7-19-2011 dbbc_0169 $12.28
    7-23-2011 nvthis2 $ 6.20
    7-28-2011 Marlydog1812 $10.64
    8-2-2011 Flyby123 $9.22
    8-7-2011 Jerseytime5 $10.68
    8-27-2011 marcusky $32.42
    8-29-2011 lowball234 $10.08
    9-2-2011 mistafury $ 7.15
    9-19-2011 mistafury $29.43
    10-26-2011 Kozikpro $99.65
    11-1-2011 ColdCard $37.41
    11-1-2011 ColdCard $8.25
    11-15-2011 iprodigy1014 $60.37
    12-18-2011 ginobliman $141.60
    12-19-2011 steortex $37.32
    12-27-2011 Dalsue214 $40.43
    01-01-2012 kiddaa $29.89
    01-28-2012 kakapu801 $93.51
    01-31-2012 azreal1 $38.25
    03-20-2012 vcapps01 $91.00
    04-01-2012 bgd123 $53.10
    04-05-2012 jerseytime $28.70
    04-07-2012 niners21gore $28.10
    04-13-2012 steortex $35.10
    04-14-2012 unkclan $21.15
    04-25-2012 steortex $42.20
    04-29-2012 donny111 33.85
    07-02-2012 Slickboss 142.23
    09-01-2012 ecpopp $158.49
    09-10-2012 greengiant $73.00
    09-17-2012 greengiant $47.00
    10-08-2012 opnd32 $70.00
    10-22-2012 MeSayBeauxm $63.00
    11-01-2012 azrael72 $50.00
    11-12-2012 jimmipage $38.50
    11-18-2012 dk12 $21.00
    11-23-2012 MeSayBeauxm $31.00
    12-14-2012 Jaytodd28 $71.12
    12-18-2012 MrBB33 $31.10
    01-09-2013 Empty $63.20
    01-10-2013 RVCrusher $28.00
    01-18-2013 EatnCreepios $41.15
    01-20-2013 88nay88 $21.50
    02-01-2013 Sharking $48.31
    02-17-2013 pokernut92 $49.15
    03-24-2013 mommahud $77.20
    04-08-2013 aziggaz $7.84 (Mini-B2B)
    04-12-2013 rivdee $56.12
    04-28-2013 Mursilis1 $54.10
    05-16-2013 trudizzle $57.25
    07-17-2013 mt19135 $137.20
    08-15-2013 Outlaw1303 $98.28
    08-16-2013 thisisprobascam $34.28
    09-29-2013 sagiPOTM $84.75
    10-12-2013 greengiant $56.15
    12-09-2013 jackispoker $105.22
    03-03-2014 dedguywalkin $217.00
    03-15-2014 rghy2 $102.90
    04-17-2014 don7238 $78.02
    05-02-2014 RaiseWinPotFold $58.50
    05-17-2014 don7238 $47.50
    02-09-2015 madjek $162.50
    04-12-2015 CKC1UNV $108.00
    08-31-2015 greengiant $119.42
    11-10-2015 kuben $72.00
    11-14-2015 madjek $50.00
    05-03-2016 mokanik $58.00
    06-03-2016 EddieTorr $31.00
    06-19-2016 css20 $17.00
    07-13-2016 don7238 $13.50
    07-19-2016 bluenwhite $8.00
    07-29-2016 EddieTorr $4.50
    08-04-2016 marlydog1812 $18.00
    08-10-2016 rrickir $20.00
    09-25-2016 allen799 $25.00
    11-30-2016 RcktWrangler $32.00
    01-21-2016 babyfaceatl $34.50

    *** IF YOU ARE IN DEFAULT (At the START of the 1st game) YOU WILL NOT WIN B2B PERIOD ***

    What is this?

    If you win 3 tournaments back to back to back (Client ONLY, the midnight game does NOT count), you will win 50% of the prize pool. If you take 2nd place regardless of who took 1st, you lose. The other 50% will be used to seed the next prize pool.

    I know this is a decrease, but I want to see how the #s play out with the smaller size tournaments in the client.

    How do opt in?

    You don't have to, just play in the Client Tourneys!

    What if I win the late one on say Monday and early one of Tuesday? Does that count?

    YES! Just need to win 3 tournaments back 2 back 2 back 2 back(Server tournaments, not your own personal)

    How will I be paid?

    Points equivalent to your PO account where you can do what you want with them. You can instantly cash them out, trade them, pay off loans, etc..

    How is the prize pool funded?

    Right now we take 5% for "promotions" on any surveys over 25 points. 1% is dedicated to Back2Back

    Are final table deals \ collusion allowed?

    This should go without saying. Simple: NO

    I will list past winners here and prize won
    Last edited by Poof; 01-22-2017 at 05:55 PM. Reason: updating winner
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

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