Warned him enough, probably only the 3rd person I have had to perma ban..
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Warned him enough, probably only the 3rd person I have had to perma ban..
why are you posting this to the world lol
he causes a lot of problems Kait
was a big problem today in chat and the forum
hardly posting here for your points for the day kait??
today? did you look at the archives in chat Zab? he was way out of control last night too.
too bad...real nice guy... lollol
Did you take him out Boondock Saints style? :)
good job.:))
posting to world to send a message: don't fuck with the Zab...or any1 else for that matter
One less hit-and-run-squirrel-away-the-points poker specialist. I can't say I'm sorry to see him go, maybe we can get a few more of the non-desirables to shoot their mouths off in chat!
Glad to see him gone but I hope he'll be okay too. Apparently he said he's bi-polar, and he was obsessed about something really dumb and used horrible logic throughout his arguments. At first, it was just annoyance, but cursing at a member and her mother and then posting it on almost every thread really crosses the line. If this is Zab's third permaban, you better believe if you get banned, you really did something wrong. I think the community was very lenient on Joey, but enough was enough.
is he ip blocked as well. What's to keep him from just creating a new id?
Might be dial-up.
this is a guy with issues but no need for the actions he took and the foul language used in these actions, there is big difference when you lose a hand and say fuck on chat but if you had read his post it was extreme and thank you for thsi ban he was out of control
He just contacted all the sites (Radium, GetGambit etc) trying to get a refund on all the points he bought. The sites contacted me and then promptly turned him down.
Showed his true colors there.. Trying to get a refund on points which I sent him payment for to Carbon
Even banned he still tries to cause trouble. Whatever about starting trouble with another member. Going after King Zab is unforgivable
you can only perma ban retards, if hes got half a braincell he will b back. unfortunately its impossible for zab to ban him
That's too bad. I know nobody ever likes to see people get perma-banned. I am glad though, hopefully this will provide a deterrent to future jerk-faces.
That's right, I just used "jerk-face".