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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I like having more BCP or Bovada or Carbon. Just don't play at Juicy much anymore, and of course, never at PS, being from the US.
    I'm not slurring my words. I'm talking in cursive. I believe the ladies find it to be quite elegant.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Demi-God s810car's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I think The plan you have going forward (with me, an unsure about Juicy yes or no) sounds good. Only one thing I would like to see esp. If we do have even more games at BCP is some more variety of game types like:
    1-2 daily of the NLHE played either turbo or 6 man
    Weekends having a game between 9-midnight (selfish reason for time ) of PLO8 and HORSE (if BCP has HORSE, I know their s/w is capable of HOSE given they have stud, if neither, then Stud or Stud h/l instead of HORSE) would be awesome (wouldn't do more then 1 of each a day max, Sat and Sun gives a total of 4 of those extra variety games)

  3. #23
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by s810car View Post
    I think The plan you have going forward (with me, an unsure about Juicy yes or no) sounds good. Only one thing I would like to see esp. If we do have even more games at BCP is some more variety of game types like:
    1-2 daily of the NLHE played either turbo or 6 man
    Weekends having a game between 9-midnight (selfish reason for time ) of PLO8 and HORSE (if BCP has HORSE, I know their s/w is capable of HOSE given they have stud, if neither, then Stud or Stud h/l instead of HORSE) would be awesome (wouldn't do more then 1 of each a day max, Sat and Sun gives a total of 4 of those extra variety games)
    One of the things that's overlooked here is that the more tournaments we have on sites that offer p2p, the more the PO economy makes (if it can be traded, someone will buy it). No reason to drop juicy at all.

    Also, the grinder promotion was just reworked to account for the fact that we no longer have the lock fr - anything zab does here is gonna have implications on the progressive promotions.

    That being said, has there been any thought to dropping a carbon and replacing it with a big ass BCP one? If you have a $35 BCP tournament the players here will go apeshit, and a lot of that money will flow back into the economy here via trade. We keep talking about getting rid of a tournament but I havent even seen this considered in this thread.

    Best Poets of All time<br/>

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Demi-God s810car's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Being I work during the days, at most I get to see 2 Carbon games, if I'm lucky, while the BCP games are more frequent for me. I'd rather not drop A Carbon, and instead of adding 4 BCPs , maybe 1 normal and 1 large one? I'm actually all for dropping Bovada entirely, but that's biased due to the garbage anon table setup. As far as Juicy (this is once I get my issue fixed), I did like CPN back in the day so will be trying it if it stays, and if good still that's one more regular at the night game, and p2p is still critical to keep as many sites allowing this as possible imo.

    Still voting for expanded variety but +1 on a daily large pool BCP

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