"Follow the Leader" or "Monkey See, Monkey Do"

Works like this:

If you do an offer that hasn't been done (Within let's say 4 hours) then YOU have a chance to post it to other users.

We'd have a wall of recently submitted items by users (if you don't submit it, you don't activate this promotion for yourself)

It sort of works like the what's working section on pokerowned, but much much better..Hot Surveys - PokerOwned Forums

After you get points:

- You tell us what the offer was

- You tell us how you completed it (Any special instructions)

- You then get XX% (I am thinking 10%) of ANYONE else who completes this offer for the next 4 hours

- You must match the points bonus (Example: If you do an offer worth 1000 points, and we're giving you 10% or 100 points every time someone else does it, you must match point for point on the bonus release. So if 7 people do it, and you are due 700 points, then we give you only the amount of points you earned up to 700 points. If you earn 310 points in that time period, you get a 310 point bonus).

Question: Would anyone actually use this or be interested in this? It's sort of like a mini-mentor program