$5.00 reward
No one has ever done it
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$5.00 reward
No one has ever done it
what!!!! Zab can i be bounty tommorrow
Give me a shot sometime,,,not saying I could do it,,but it would be fun to try!!!
Next time you see im in a freeroll put the bounty. I think I can do it. Gotta watch out for damn variance
You and your Bountys... better keep 10$ Reward on every Pw Leakers head
been doing bounties over a month and noone escapes!
haha, at what b astian said also,, lol. yay, now every1 will WANT to be the bounty:) nice zab... it is hard to escape when ur the bounty,, casue more people play real marginal hands against u too:) so GL every1
That sounds awesome! :o
i wudnt mind a shot sum time & i no theres betta players,but u neva no
hahahaha i love it zaB. NOW I WANNA BE THE THE BOUNYT HAHAHAHHA nicce job
Dealer: SeanDPrawn finishes in 1st place and wins: $7.50
First ever :)
GG sean,, congrats on escaping too, houdini LOLOL,,, hard to do for sure :)
Wahoo. THe champ is here. I owe my victory to one hand. I sucked out vs planet when i had QQ and he had K 3 he flopped K but i hit Q on turn. How lucky am i :).
ummmm i think u hit the Queeen on the turn tho,, hehe,, how can u forget after u guys talked about this hand for over an hour tooo lolol:)
ok u fixed ur post hahaha nice job anywayssss.:)
Any1 who wants a signed photo or somethin let me know. Will try sort somethin out :)
I was in this tourney (6th or 7th place, i canīt remember....) You played very welll...congratulations!!
I think this was an awesome thing to do Zab.
Do you think you could turn it into something reoccurring?
Survivor Award.
First off, you should at least get the bounty put on your head, and can you start a list somehow, like the bounty list, but a survivor list. These people should be honored, remembered and revered.
This is a good idea, might have to step up to be the bounty some time.
syn escaped 1 too in po tourney was placed by jb
0772schulz JohnBrazon $5.00 ESCAPED! 03-30-2011