Zab you are evil! I swore I would never, ever, ever facebook, and now..........
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Zab you are evil! I swore I would never, ever, ever facebook, and now..........
Just posted on the wall...can that get confirmed?
Donīt have a facebook account, so nothing for me, lol
Also, I am not on 24/7! I have checked and added all the names that I saw on the wall as of 5:24 PM CT. Let me know if you should be there as well. Also, check the OP to see my last update to the list.
getfishy, want to confirm me?
Posted as Qu Ball on facebook with my PO name QuBall !
I'm officially eligible for the contest now:
Laura L. Mazac
Hi! I'm posting my username "LULABELL79" so that I have a chance to win the PokerOwned Facebook contest I saw at!
Like · Comment · 5 minutes ago
Thanks for the contest (0=