Right now 50 people (10 cars -- 5 per car) are competing in Speedway at any given point. I think there are way more active members than this and that extending this promotion would be a positive thing.
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Right now 50 people (10 cars -- 5 per car) are competing in Speedway at any given point. I think there are way more active members than this and that extending this promotion would be a positive thing.
there is kinda drivers can fire players that dont make $
I think zab should add a 'Donkey' car. the 5 ppl that play the least are locked into one car. If they place they win double the amount of pts that place would have been paid. It's a way to get non playing members to try at least.
I'll drive. but I'm too freaking old to be changing tires.... But I do have roadside assistance with Allstate!
I think that the promotion should be run as a cumulative monthly promotion. I would also rather see many more points from other promotions be diverted into this promotion. I am not a fan of "Get luck and win points hands" Fwiw I am not a fan of the raffle either, as it takes chips out of the community. Personally, the only promotions that I like are the Speedway and both the grinder and mini-grinder. All the other pin the tail and HH promotions are nonsense to me.
what if it were based on money won from the previous week instead of how many games played to determine the top 50 who gets to compete in speedway is...this would include a lot more of the regulars who may not be able to play every game.
I like the Donkey Car idea!! I hope zab or whoever gives a look at it!
ok ok.. I am getting some ideas here..
First off.. If we add more cars, it will make for some pretty DEAD CARS.. And we don't want that.
Secondly, more than 50 people get access due to hiring \ firing every day
Now with that said, monthly promotion...
We can add a 2nd promotion that runs all month long.. start it with a random seeding based on last month.. but each week we could add 1 new car based on the top qualifiers from the previous week (If they weren't already in a car) and give them an avg placing.
Not sure, still thinking this through
I'd like a couple more cars, since I guess I don't play enough to be in the top 50. I like most of the promotions, but I don't like pin the tail on the donkey.
more points for speedway +1, leave it the way you got it. gotta earn a seat, than learn to drive.
This would definitely work and I think you are headed in the right direction. I like the monthly promotion idea and definitely think it would get the members more active if they knew they were apart of the promotion. Could even possibly consider charging points to enter to create a prize pool, just throwing the idea out there. I know I would pay points to take a stab at the prizes.
My ideas/thoughts are you could implement LLB's between cars, side bets, etc. Maybe have it cater to your members that work during the day and can play every game after 7 pm. I will send you more ideas, but I could get very creative with this to make it fun for everyone. I feel this is right down my alley b/c my day job is marketing/incentive/promotion coordinator manager for a marketing firm. I think you could also add pin the tail on the donkey car and intermingle some promotions to make them more fun & profitable. Some promotions grow stale and its really cool that you acknowledge that and spice your site up as much and as often as possible. That is what keeps me around. Let me know if you would like more feedback, but more will speak up after this post.
Although it wouldn't be practical, I think it'd be cool to be able to hire yourself 4 times over and have 1 person 5 times in the car. But I dont see that change coming anytime soon :( And besides I\'d probably almost always win
definitely add more points to the speedway.. a lot more points.. take an extra % from all of us.... this will make more people play more tourneys..
So what about this.. sort of like a league game... but with a monthly race track
Same rules apply to the Car, but instead the driver of the car is always the driver and wins the most money
- Driver of the car pays a fee to start up a car (Thus making him the driver)
- Driver of the car can hire his pit crew (He can put up an offer in points to people, you can just say 0 to lets say 1000 points)
- People that offered positions in cars can either choose the BEST OFFER or the BEST CAR that made them an offer (You decide)
- We will show how many times you were ITM the previous month, previous week, how many tournaments you play per week etc.. Alot of info
- We will pay top 3 finishes just like before
- If you make a Car in the middle of the month.... XYZ happens (Where you rank) not sure yet how I'll handle this
- Crew members can quit in the middle of the month (be hired away by another car) your car gets credit until that day though
- Make this a progressive prize pool, probably decrease the other promos slightly to make room for this. Add the drivers entry fee + progressive money
This could get pretty cut throat people hiring, firing, replacing, getting better offers from other cars and so on
Any more thoughts or ideas?
oh this is a pretty good idea Zab, and would be pretty fun.
sounds good , love how ur always improving the site, cant wait
"More cut-throat" isnt necessarily a good idea.. I would say keep it more simple. Like letting my hire myself!!..LOL
I really like this.
2 thoughts/questions/ideas:
1. A time restraint for how long a hired person must remain in a car before being re-hired. The reason here being obviously a person can continuously loop from car to car.
2. Keeping a weekly race separate from the monthly race or rewards per week as well (obviously these would be smaller than the monthly one).
Just my 2 cents. Others may have other ideas or disagree with my own.
Thank you so much for getting right on this Zab. You're the best!
Make a Car Owner, then Qwner hires Driver, and then Pit Crew, Payout would Scale from Owner down.
sounds like a good plan Zab
sounds like a good deal, but as jason said make it a lil hard to just loop cars
ya i mean u could add a contract length when hiring some one
I like the car owner idea...or because we already have a speedway, how about a horse race with jockies and an owner? The owner can add jockies to his stable/hire/fire/poach from other stables over the month. Maybe the owners have a salary cap they have to split among the jockies.
Sounds pretty off the hook...once again Zab hits the nail on the head...
sounds like a plan...always good for a change...keep it cominnn
still not sure what to call it....
Speedway League
Horse Racing something (Jockeys etc)
Something else..
I think the idea is solid
the upgrades are great keep it up. im beginning to like the site very much the hard work is paying off now just ot get into some freerolls
Call it the "Poker Owned Derby" or "Poker Owned Derby Challenge":
1. The person buying the "car" or "stable" will own the horses and can trade, sell, or let any horse go on a "waiver wire"
2. The horses can either "pay" or be "hired/staked" for their position and may be negotiable with the stable owner
3. This could go daily, weekly, monthly, or even an annual or quarterly progressive prize pool
4. Implement LLB's between owners, horses, and even members that are not in a stable at that time (horse betting in a sense)
5. "Trainers" could be considered a Team Leader if they are the most profitable for the stable and you earn that title weekly
**I have more ideas if this is the track you are on, let me know if the feedback is helpful and I will keep adding ideas to the thread. Thanks for the hard work you put into this, I hope it pays off in the long run. I see a lot of points being used through this promotion especially if some sort of sports betting on the horses and/or stables and have a LLB between the stables since you already have this LLB player to player.