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So what about this.. sort of like a league game... but with a monthly race track
Same rules apply to the Car, but instead the driver of the car is always the driver and wins the most money
- Driver of the car pays a fee to start up a car (Thus making him the driver)
- Driver of the car can hire his pit crew (He can put up an offer in points to people, you can just say 0 to lets say 1000 points)
- People that offered positions in cars can either choose the BEST OFFER or the BEST CAR that made them an offer (You decide)
- We will show how many times you were ITM the previous month, previous week, how many tournaments you play per week etc.. Alot of info
- We will pay top 3 finishes just like before
- If you make a Car in the middle of the month.... XYZ happens (Where you rank) not sure yet how I'll handle this
- Crew members can quit in the middle of the month (be hired away by another car) your car gets credit until that day though
- Make this a progressive prize pool, probably decrease the other promos slightly to make room for this. Add the drivers entry fee + progressive money
This could get pretty cut throat people hiring, firing, replacing, getting better offers from other cars and so on
Any more thoughts or ideas?