problackbird will take last place
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problackbird will take last place
Or we could have it where you needed to earn XX Amount of points to be in the tourneys? Thoughts?
what if we cant rememeber????LOL hope u know zab then hahah:)
winners only is my vote zab
I would say winners only works there are some people that buy their points and do not earn them.
I voted for Winners Only too for monthly $50 Freeroll.
If you used a ticket system every winners in our $25 PO Freerolls will recieve a ticket to play in $50 Monthly tournament
This is awesome, is it going forward, or is it for past winners too?
Carbon just keeps getting better and better.
I like the idea of winners only. It is pretty cool of them to offer this. If the accolade specifically says pokerowned it would be crazy good promotion for the site. But i reckong it will just say $200 freeroll winner