With the Back2Back getting so high, how about I make a free roll this week $50 totally free to enter? Take 50% of the prize pool?
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With the Back2Back getting so high, how about I make a free roll this week $50 totally free to enter? Take 50% of the prize pool?
i think the the current B2B is a sweet prize for one preson to win. maybe do this once it reaches 150$ plus.
i agree with a cap amount but i think 100 is low to cap at maybe 150 like winning said would be good cap amount
I would vote for taking half to the tourney, but mainly because I have a hard time winning 1 let alone 2 in a row....
cap should be 100.....and anything it goes over till it is hit goes in a pool ...the next day after it is hit have the freeroll with extra money that was over the hundred just hold the freeroll after the pool is hit .
THIS IS A g reat offfer TY ZABBB:) why would any1 turn this down,, there still woulda be a good b2b and it would continue to grow i,m s ure tooo lol, and a 50 dolla game too,, seems like a great deal!!
$50 winner take all haha!?
I like the idea and I'm ready for it...thanks
leaderboard for most wins doesn't lie... i want this $50 tourney winner take all! ;D
ok i agree with all scrap the 150 cap lets do a 50 freeroll but can we make this at the 7pm game would be perfect time i think
I think this is one of the worst ideas on this forum. Leave b2b!
u guys are sillyyy we can have a 50 doolla freolll, and i think zab said still keep b2b at 50 dolllars too AND u know it will keep growing TOOO,, so ho w is that a bad deal???LOL:) its a niceee offfer
I think up a lot of ideas.... Not saying they are all good.
rrickir go away :P haha jk
This is terrible idea imo. Everyone has been buzzing about the B2B possibly getting to $100 and now when it gets there to just cut it in half doesnt make sense. I understand this is a freeroll site and the oppurtunity of a free tourney with double the normal prizepool is a tasty looking prospect, but i think it totally devalue's the B2B.
While i think taking funds out of the B2B prizepool for any reason other than someone winning it a horrendous idea, atleast higher the cap to atleast $150 so if you take the $50 out theres still a buzz about it.
Dont think there should be a cap on the B2B at all but i suspect to be the lone voice here.
I remember how everyone was all for the 1500 starting stack until they got it and now everyone wants the 2000 back. I got a feeling if this goes ahead people (especially those who dont cash/cant play) will feel like it was the wrong decision also
Btw has anyone ever seen a casino/ online poker site run a freeroll when their Bad Beat Jackpot isnt won for awhile.... Nope of course they dont. The bigger the prize to more exciting.
Man im actually getting pretty worked up over this.
I agree with Prawney, we should take half the b2b and make a $50 FR.
I think the 150 cap is a good idea if you decide to do a $50 freeroll. I'm up for leaving the b2b alone and let it keep rising.
but sean the b2b will still be 50 dollars AND u know in a weeek, it will still keep growin tooo so will prolly get right back up there tooo:) and we can have the frerolll.. also,, it seems like a win win tho.with noone winning all this time,, i,m sure it will still grow from the 50 again and get back up quickly too:)id bet on that!:)
Zab right now you are getting more players because regulars are spreading the word about how high this game is. You are getting more traffic now because of how big B2B is. Leave it be, there was almost 50 entrants last night for the proof. Let it get higher and higher and bring more people to PO. Just my 2 cents
Rickir im sure if zab offered to just take the $100 B2B prizepool and split it amongst the site you would prob jump at that offer and pocket your 30cents share of it.
The fact is that its a prizepool for winning B2B tourneys, which is a great feat, and deserves to be rewarded. Look how exciting it is for every tourney now when B2B survives. It keeps the site buzzing. And getting rid of that buzz for the sake of a freeroll is such a terrible idea im finding it hard to find words to express how much i disagree with it.
Let the b2b grow ... it will be sweet for who ever hits and the next b2b will be seeded nice.
I take back what i said earlier. I wouldnt even accept if the cap was set to $150. There should be no cap whatsoever. I mean B2B is the first thing that people look at when they log on to see if it still hasnt been won. Why people want to ruin this buzz for what $10 at best is crazy
do it zab itll be funna dn isnt ther gunna be tourney of champions
i,m not the ONLY one who liked the idea sean thoo pick on poooofy too then LOL and otheres is just for fu nnn geeesh,, lol, and there WOLD still be a big b2b back too and u know it would g row quickyly again too from 50....i just think was a coool idea from zab, esp when people always want a biigger freroll too, is a way to still have both tho :) to m e OK thats myl ast word on this tho LOL
But this is the prize pool for someone winning back 2 back tournies, its not meant to be easy. In fact its kinda a fluke that it was won so often already. There is nothing you could possibly say to me that i think is a valid reason for this $50 freeroll. Winning B2B is supposed to be a prestigeous event and the prize for it shouldnt be diminished simply because it hasnt been won in awhile.
Gotta agree with Prawney on this, b2b is first thing i check when I miss a end of tourney to see if it was hit, let it grow. Bad beat jackpots are perfect example, like Prawney said, the higher they get the more excitement. If you decide to go ahead with this idea, I definitely think it would be unfair to cut current b2b in half, should cap it now and build a separate pot for freeroll. Would be really unfair to person that eventually won b2b if was cut in half. But to be clear, my vote is no freeroll from b2b, keep it as is, just my opinion.
Let b2b grow..Its the same concept of a continous bad beat jackpot like Prawney stated...It just keeps rising and make people want to play even more to hit it...The higher it gets the more traffic we'll be getting here and the more exciting the tournaments will get...Same concept when a bad beat jackpot gets really high, people all of a sudden want to play more to hit it, etc.
If you ask any of the previous b2b winners if they wanted to take their winnings and cut in half for a seperate freeroll they'll probably laugh at you and tell you to get f*cked lol
Leave back to back alone!!!! So what if it hasnt been won in a while. Wasnt meant to be an easy task and if it takes a year to win so be it!!! Dont mess with a good idea and perk to the site. Leave it the hell alone, and whoever wins it, does so deservingly!!!
i kind of like the idea of capping it at $100 and anything over the $100 put in a seperate prize pool and hold a freeroll with that prize pool.
Sounds like we're split. If its that 50\50 i would probably just leave it. I'll keep taking comments
Like $80 to the winner right now
Ok the tribe has spoken.. We'll let it grow and grow and grow
Imagine if it gets to like $500 or even higher. If it does people will look back on this moment and say thank god level heads prevailed
sighhhh greeed isnt always a good thing LOL but ,whatever zab decieds then, will be ok:) poooofy i guess no 50 dolla freroll then hun they guys have won out, ...i still think if it keeps growin tho,, a re asonanble amount coudnt go to another freolll, and b2b would stililll have a ton and also k ee p growin:)