your not a lone voice. i completely agree.Quote:
This is terrible idea imo. Everyone has been buzzing about the B2B possibly getting to $100 and now when it gets there to just cut it in half doesnt make sense. I understand this is a freeroll site and the oppurtunity of a free tourney with double the normal prizepool is a tasty looking prospect, but i think it totally devalue's the B2B.
While i think taking funds out of the B2B prizepool for any reason other than someone winning it a horrendous idea, atleast higher the cap to atleast $150 so if you take the $50 out theres still a buzz about it.
Dont think there should be a cap on the B2B at all but i suspect to be the lone voice here.
I remember how everyone was all for the 1500 starting stack until they got it and now everyone wants the 2000 back. I got a feeling if this goes ahead people (especially those who dont cash/cant play) will feel like it was the wrong decision also