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  1. #1
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    What is the ideal PO freerolls password release solution in your opinion?

    Are you frustrated yet, with the current freeroll password release system? Have you had enough of watching a clock tick down during your break? Annoyed every time the tournament is already closed by the time you get to register? Irritated that you can't request a refund because the form complains that the tournament hasn't started yet? Perhaps as a PO Mod, you are already bored with the repetitive approving of hundreds of refund requests after every tournament? Imagine we could change all that, what would your dream solution for opting in and registering to PO tournaments look like?

    Experts all agree, that the number one cause for losing money at poker is tilt. All the above mentioned negative emotions have been scientifically proven to be catalysts for tilt and should be avoided at all costs, by the serious poker player. Now lets imagine for a second a world in which we have the ideal solution for registering to our tournaments, what would such a system look like? It might not reduce the frequency at which you get tilted but at least you'll have one less thing to blame for your lack of self control. =)

    So give me hand in creating this fantasy application by adding your thoughts as we plot out the requirements of this imaginary system in an ideal world setting. Lets not get totally out of hand now as this imaginary world still abides by the same laws as our own reality and keep in mind that the problem we are trying to solve is the release of passwords not curing herpes or gonorrhea. That does not mean it has to be void of creativity and to accommodate the more out of the box ideas we are going to break the requirements into two categories lets call them M and N.

    System requirements for PO password releases:
    M. Must haves:
    These are the absolute bare minimum requirements for a PO password release solution which it cannot be considered functional without.

    M.1. Maintain a list of available freerolls including the following details
    M.1.1 Date and time of the event
    M.1.2 Name or description
    M.1.3 Price in PO points
    M.1.4 Prize pool
    M.1.5 Poker room
    M.2 Charge and release
    M.2.1 Facilitate a user opting into a given freeroll and effecting the charge
    M.2.2 Ensure, as far as possible, that only opted in users may attend the given freeroll.
    M.3 Cancellation and refund
    M.3.1 Facilitate a user's request and motivation for a refund to a previously opted in freeroll
    M.3.2 Facilitate the approval of refund requests and reversing the charge

    N. Nice to haves:
    These are the bells and whistles in the realm of freeroll password releases whether common or revolutionary the only distinction is that the solution can still function without.

    N.1 Additional freeroll information
    N.1.1 Event type/grouping repetitions of the same event
    N.1.1 Frequency of type (ie. hourly, daily, monthly)
    N.1.1 Payout structure per type
    N.1.2 Leader board per type/maybe include period
    N.2 Charge and release
    N.2.1 Auto registration of user in the event with the poker room without the need to release a password
    N.2.2 Discounts (ie. early bird) and promotions effecting the price of opting in

    Once we have the requirements down we'll have clear goals set and can start pondering some possible solutions which would facilitate these. Comparing the pros and cons of each solution, including the current fix in place, will allow us to compare the possibilities and evaluate the best course of action.

    These are only the preliminary requirements based on the current solution from what I managed to deduce. If I missed anything or you have ideas you'd like to add, please speak your piece now or forever hold your peace.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunirico View Post

    M.1. Maintain a list of available freerolls including the following details
    M.1.1 Date and time of the event
    M.1.2 Name or description
    M.1.3 Price in PO points
    M.1.4 Prize pool
    M.1.5 Poker room
    M.2 Charge and release
    M.2.1 Facilitate a user opting into a given freeroll and effecting the charge
    M.2.2 Ensure, as far as possible, that only opted in users may attend the given freeroll.
    M.3 Cancellation and refund
    M.3.1 Facilitate a user's request and motivation for a refund to a previously opted in freeroll
    M.3.2 Facilitate the approval of refund requests and reversing the charge
    What are we missing from this list, the first 5 are right in the schedule?
    We are trying as much as possible to ensure only those opted in can play, that is whey there is only a min or so to register, I don't know how we can change that and make it work.

  3. #3
    Just 1 guy in a game MichMan's Avatar
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    I don't see anything new in there. And I don't believe pokerstars has the ability/function of auto registering upon opting in via a 3rd party, so that upgrade isn't possible.
    22:52 <onehotdame> pull my finger
    02:51 <onehotdame> ill miss u when u go
    14:53 <onehotdame> gotta callthePOD people
    12/17/2014 16:29 <onehotdame> your a bit of an ass when yo high

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poof View Post
    What are we missing from this list, the first 5 are right in the schedule?
    The list is derived from the current system, am I missing anything is the question. Is there any additional functionality you would like to have which the current solution does not provide yet? Lets add those too.

    We are trying as much as possible to ensure only those opted in can play, that is whey there is only a min or so to register, I don't know how we can change that and make it work.
    Don't worry about the "how" now, in this phase we focus on the "what do you want". It's a fantasy game of make belief where we can ask for anything our hearts desire with no concern of how it gets done or even if it is possible or not.

    You should also not look at this as finding fault/blame with the current solution, we are merely making a list of requirements, what we would like from a solution.

    In the next phase we ponder how to solve these requirements, and we'll compare how both the current and perhaps several other solution ideas, manages to facilitate our requirements. There are many ways to skin a cat. =) Perhaps we find that the current solution is perfect or maybe there is another more efficient way to deal with some of the requirements while others might be ok. But we will get to this later and I will explain that process in more detail, for now lets just dream.
    Last edited by sunirico; 06-10-2015 at 07:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Zab is offline
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    The problem is the sites won't help me with this
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    The problem is the sites won't help me with this
    Not sure what you mean by "sites" @Zab but I am willing and able to help you with this.

  7. #7
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    One solution might be to have the password sent to the registered player's email address 5 mins before the start of the tournament and have an "informal auditor" that is chosen and changed on a weekly basis that receives an email with all opted-in player names and if a player is in the tournament that is not in the mail, he gets flagged and action taken against.

    Another option might be that the "price" for the tournament is slightly increased to cover costs and players are sent a text message to their registered mobile numbers with the password. Not sure how viable this is with regards to mobile carriers world-wide, but it's just an idea for an ideal world (if there is such a thing).

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zecon82 View Post
    One solution might be to have the password sent to the registered player's email address 5 mins before the start of the tournament and have an "informal auditor" that is chosen and changed on a weekly basis that receives an email with all opted-in player names and if a player is in the tournament that is not in the mail, he gets flagged and action taken against.

    Another option might be that the "price" for the tournament is slightly increased to cover costs and players are sent a text message to their registered mobile numbers with the password. Not sure how viable this is with regards to mobile carriers world-wide, but it's just an idea for an ideal world (if there is such a thing).
    The main problem with this is if the password is emailed out 5 min prior (which I don't even know if we could do) 5 min is even more time to share the password. Also, most of the sneaks in the game are not members, so we can't really take action.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    The problem is the sites won't help me with this
    If by "sites" you mean the poker rooms then no, they won't help, it is not their problem. They have given us their solution, password protected freerolls. We want access to these freerolls to be exclusive and only available to those who have opted in via this portal. This is not something they can help us with.

    The current solution solves the problem of the passwords leaking to the public before the tournaments start but several issues remain:

    1. Frequently there is not enough time between release of the password and registration closing or cancellation of the tournament due to minimum attendance not being meet.
    2. Users having to stare at a count down clock.
    3. Time consuming refund process for both end user and site mods.

    amongst others...

  10. #10
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Its pokerstars :|
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

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