I get all these points taken when I buy points. What do I get for them??? Seems like there just being stolen. Please exsplain where my points are going for or do you guys just take and not give?
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I get all these points taken when I buy points. What do I get for them??? Seems like there just being stolen. Please exsplain where my points are going for or do you guys just take and not give?
Sorry, this part really made me lol.
The 5% deduction pays for the following promotions: High Hand Pools, Back2Back, WSOPokerowned, Pin the tail on the donkey, Donkey Derby, Grinder Challenge, 5 Points per Post, Golden Donkey, Whats working, KO the Champ, Leaderboard, Speedway, Player Ratings, Bubble Boy, Fantasy Poker extra 50 pts.
Even bubble boy?
lol This needs to be adjusted for the site. now you have to add a category called PO fee other.
is this going to be updated, should be getting more points per the offer now. with no poker going on.
maybe you should edit the title to promotions not promtions....and now with no promotions maybe it should lower
hello darling i love you
So is it my promotion, or it's my donation ?!
thats good
i think there should be think about that 2 promos are absoult the same
Back2Back,- win 3 tourneys in row
grider challenge - paid to win daily leaderboard, needed points 40 ! u have to make 3times first place and one a fourh..so its nearly the same to back 2 back..okay there is a reach 500points win 10% of pricepool included..but 2 promos that honnor a player that wins 3of5 daily tourneys is the same
I think the 5 percent is good itvwill help out down the road great
How to earn points here ? ....
Just ordered something on the offerwall with trial-pay. Too bad it cost me 108 points :(
But gonna get a lot of points to play with :D
kind of unfair to users who dont use any of them extra's named above but with the same token
understand that everyone has to pay for the bells and flashing lights so its all good iam just here to earn walmart
gift cards how ever do some loan shacking and have a good time even thou taking points a way is kind of a downer
over all site is very kool should have private stores thou that let users list items with a image for sell for a point
a item posted and maybe a extra box on the loan shark page letting people know why they need the loans so if u had
enough for 1 loan and 2 people you could choose from who's story u like the best and base your loan on a little more then just a name and past credit pay back history note above would both be kool maybe even a brave page where a user could do pay to sighn ups brives and house takes a cute of the trade if i have to loose points be nice to loose them for something i am into
have a great day with some things to think on best wishes Brotherlove13
why was deducted - when I did not play or do any of the above - at least I don't remember doing any of them
help earn points for passwords on Freeroll
how mutch points for passwold???? i have 745 now
ха ха интересно как. мне нравится)
thanks for the info all ;)
It's good
i see,the information is helpful,the deduction is just like rakes?
it is spent in some prizepools here. i dont know which, but anywhere I read this. Could be Highhand or Grinder Challenge
5% deduction for promtions
The 5% you get deducted for promotions pays for the following:
•The progressive prize pools
•All the bounties
•PokerOwned Madness
•$50 Monthly WSOPokerowned
•Pin the tail on the donkey
•Donkey Derby
•Grinder Challenge
•5 Points per Post
•Golden Donkey
•Whats working
•KO the Champ
•Player Ratings
•Bubble Boy
•Fantasy Poker extra 50 pts.
I like the 5% for promos, I would even consider 10% opt in for other promotions possibly, what u think Zab?
OK I got it
I really like this deduction for the promos, they are great... such a good site an games are always fun!!!!