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Crowdflower.. they always convert if done correctly
That is too funny but I guess a slap in the face is better than a kick in the nuts!!!!! hehehe
Just joined this site but definitely cool site. You guys have done great so far!
That is too funny but I guess a slap in the face is better than a kick in the nuts!!!!! hehehe
Just joined this site but definitely cool site. You guys have done great so far!
I might just be a idiot or genius but I keep having a hard time enterting into the free tourney games. I can't figure out speedway or others :( tryin to get to like 10k points so I can enter the carbon and lock freerolls every time I am on for them, its a great chance to build a bankroll playing in games that pay out 10 of 70 players instead of the big ones that pay 350 players with like 5-10 cents, where in the builders I can play one game and win .80 cents to 10 bucks....
Love the system, need to figure out these free games
so it always takes away pts?
thanks for the promotions... are you ready to win... lets go....
more promotions for this day.... agradezcamole a dios.
Them 4% add up. I said we make it to 3.5 percents......Po economy is up
and when u buy points*
u missed that bit out and i know people have started moaning cuz they didnt know lol
its 5% now i believe cuz zab added more promos, reducing it is a BAD idea...if the economy is up and zab is getting more points from the % reduction he can add MORE promos, start reducing the rate and it means at best he wont be able to add any more promos n i for one am always up for new free shit
I did not buy this ....Please refund.
i think you can take even more.. after all - it makes the site mote fun
how do i tell my rake?
yes I have the same question
geez this sucks when you actually purchase points!
Is everybody automatically in the 4% promotions or do we have to opt in for it?
it's auto on the points taken out. yeah when u buy pts it does add up. i would say lower it the 3 percent.still lots of pts with all transactions.
Bubble Boy-player who finished the game 1 place close the money
That's sounds awesome!!!!
nice nice :D
Why did it change from 4% to 5%?
how many point does bubble boy get
How does one not get point deducted
This is just a way to get more things going throughout the site. Personally think its a great idea. I'll give 4% everyday if it means I can play poker for free! 4% of 100 pts.........4pts. Not a huge deal considering what theyre doing for us!
i think its a cool feature.
It doesn't really bother me. I have received points through more than one promotion multiple times.
ya it sux being bubble boy....i call the hand thats a sucker hand on the bubble that you lose on the "demon trap" as it is usually like a pair of 9s or ace8 and you get re raised ever so lightly and then someone pushes allin and the odds say call but dont because its your "DEMON TRAP" if you survive this test you will make the money ...and probably go far....but then comes the final table
"demon trap" where you must fold kk-99 in a tight fold because there are 3 people all in and there is a good chance that 2 will drop as the one with the biggest stack is super tight and he pushed last and has AA for sure or at least AK suited.....if not the other KK and your kk is drawing DEAD and you will be dead if you call ....if you pass this test you will take a first or second....
i keep doing these "surveys" then i am forced to buy something or i dont get credit for taking the time to do the surveys? that and whats up with the viruses trying to get into my machine via some bogus google chrome download? very annoying? seems that this is more of a scam, also, i did a survey for 2500 points and received 365 or so, then it was only 150? whats up?
I have numerous blogs and do reviews of all sorts of sites. ? i do like your tourneys except your real funny donkey award, ya real donkey when i got rockets and some douche calls with 6 n 7.
AB Wells
i sent the bogus chrome link over to google, i know u all aren't doing it but whoever is doing that should probably pick a less dominate company to try and scam off of.
i keep doing these "surveys" then i am forced to buy something or i dont get credit for taking the time to do the surveys? that and whats up with the viruses trying to get into my machine via some bogus google chrome download? very annoying? seems that this is more of a scam, also, i did a survey for 2500 points and received 365 or so, then it was only 150? whats up?
I have numerous blogs and do reviews of all sorts of sites. ? i do like your tourneys except your real funny donkey award, ya real donkey when i got rockets and some douche calls with 6 n 7.
AB Wells
i sent the bogus chrome link over to google, i know u all aren't doing it but whoever is doing that should probably pick a less dominate company to try and scam off of.
Hey Zab, you sure that's not 10%?? lol
Cool - points actually showed up. Some of the surveys are tricky to get points to credit it seems.
Yeah all are hit or miss so do what you enjoy doing and don't dl what you won't use lol
taxes + taxes + taxes
i like the bubble boy feature